Fung Sau Combat System
Call us today on 07866 386692

About Fung Sau Combat System
Fung Sau Combat System is a combination of many styles and influences including Muay Thai/Boran, Western Boxing, Lethwei, BJJ, Silat, Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do, Kenpo, Karate, and Kali. It is similar to Jeet Kune Do in terms of its ethos of absorbing what is useful, discarding what is not, and adding what is uniquely your own.
As the style is focused on self protection there is a firm base of striking from Muay Thai/Boran, Western Boxing and Lethwei, with additional elements, such as BJJ, to ensure a framework for combat which includes grappling, ground work and trapping etc. Fung Sau is essentially urban MMA.

Ethos & Approach
Fung Sau is progressive in it's approach however it still maintains traditional martial arts values, beliefs, discipline and etiquette.
The style is direct, realistic, practical, and deadly, combining striking (punches, back fists, palm strikes, elbows, kicks, knees, head butts & many more), trapping, locks, throws and takedowns. It is also effective for anyone regardless of stature, body makeup, age, or gender. This is largely due to the focus on technique and body mechanics, and also the great wealth of techniques within the style ensuring that there is something that works for everyone.
There are no wanna be hard cases at our club, this does not sit well with our ethos of respect, humility, and kindness. All our students work together to support each other on their journey of self discovery and development. We work hard but are a pretty chilled bunch, and we have also been known to have a bit of a giggle now again. This humour does not detract from the development of martial competencies, if anything it contributes towards enhancing them.
Fung Sau really is one of the Martial Arts best kept secrets.
The late Master Malcolm Chamberlain (RIP) was the original pioneer of Fung Sau, and is also responsible for its ethos, which is one of continual evolution and development, and he developed the system hugely over his many many years of teaching and learning. Despite his modest stature he was a force to be reckoned with! Evidencing that Fung Sau relies on body mechanics and technique, not merely aggression and brute force. Not only was Master Chamberlain a great practitioner, but he was also an outstanding teacher.
The ethos he promoted and the evolution of the style, which he was primarily responsible for, ensured that the system continued to evolve and become even more effective and devastating. Over the many many years he taught martial arts he passed this ethos onto his students who continue this quest for knowledge and perfection in this discipline.
In the modern era Master Julian Dale-Hutchinson is driving this quest and continues to evolve the system with his inclusion of Muay Thai, Lethwei, Western Boxing and elements of Brazilian Jiujitsu all now taking center stage within the Fung Sau system.